Don't forget where all of us come from the open air raves and great hangouts in the 90s.
Although I don't know your origins or what era that was, I am one generation X borderlineY. I was raised as an agrarian in rural areas. I was only 20 when my first club night was held. I don't recall what I did however I do remember numerous events and ups. My friends assured me they had a great night. It was my first time, more like baptism, diving my entire self into the waters of club night life. And that was it. It wasn't the trappings that got me hooked, but the way things were.. for a couple of years I moved from club to club. Do you remember the tune "Who's gonna take me to the aftershow?" It was me, jumping out of a nightclub when the light was first on, just to hop into the car and drive on to a different location. Making preparations for the night ahead...
We were full of life and energetic, and some days never sleeping. We quit the BOO party at the end of the night, went to Central Park and walked around. I remember washing my face with antiperspirant from head to toes and sweating heavily for several hours..
The video was saved forever by my friends. To my great surprise, the video was removed. There was also an event sound recording which was said to come from a label. It can also be used on smartphones. save video from It's all I need to do is to forward the URL of the video to 2conv in order to download it to my computer. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reach the group member who had been with us for five years however it was good to talk with him.

It is important to not claim anything on their video. It is not advisable to take the work of someone you don't like.